CM Consults

About Us

Cheryl Mahaffey


Cheryl works with businesses across the country to design and implement human resource programs that allow them to evaluate and select the best possible employees. She specializes in the development and evaluation of employee selection procedures and training programs..

She has conducted or directed the analysis of more than 400 jobs, with the goal of developing valid selection procedures. Her experience in test construction and validation ranges from the development of licensing and certification examinations to ability tests. She advises clients in both the public and private sector regarding compliance with fair employment and affirmative action requirements, including ADA provisions

She is the author of numerous publications including the American Bankers Association's Hiring Guide, The Credit Union Executive Society (CUES's) Hire Right Guide, PSI's Questions and Answers on Employment Testing, and Accommodating Employment Testing to the Needs of Individuals with Disabilities. Recently, she has focused attention on integrated selection systems that mitigate adverse impact. She develops valid and cost effective tools which employers can use in their selection and training systems to maximize human performance and improve their bottom line. She is a frequent guest speaker, and has also served as a consultant to attorneys concerning litigation and EEO related activities.

Cheryl has provided training across a wide array of topics including, job analysis, test development, interview techniques, and human resource systems. Recently, she has focused attention on integrated selection systems that mitigate adverse impact and provide valid and cost effective tools that employers can use to develop effective selection systems.

Prior to establishing CM Consults (CMC) in 2002, Cheryl served as both as Vice President and Director of Consulting Services for Psychological Services, Inc. (PSI), a well-known test publication and consulting organization. In that capacity, she has consulted with hundreds of companies, helping them establish job-related and defensible selection systems. Before establishing her 20 year relationship with PSI, Cheryl evaluated the effectiveness of training programs for GTE (now Verizon), and developed and validated selection tests for The Los Angeles Unified School District.

Cheryl Mahaffey has over 30 years of experience developing valid assessment procedures in industries such as banking, insurance, finance, manufacturing, retail, electric and gas utilities, telecommunications, and the public sector.

Clients include: Adecco, Bell South, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles City, The Department of Water and Power, Venturi Partners, Silgan Containers, Silgan Plastics, Edison Electric Institute, Cost Reduction Technologies, Rockwell, Arthur Anderson, Wells Fargo Bank, Blue Cross of New Jersey, Michigan Law Enforcement Training Council, The Air Quality Management District, Transamerica Life Companies, T. Rowe Price, Homestead Financial Services, Thompson Tractor, Sprint, Citizen Savings, Performance Assessment Network (PAN), the Institute of Professional Environmental Practice, The Department of Water and Power, the California Board of Landscape Architects, the State of California, Southern California Edison, and Union Pacific Railroad.



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