CM Consults

About Us







CMC is dedicated to the advancement of HR practices.
We will bring you relevant information about trends and important issues involving HR management and HR practitioners.

Articles of Interest:

The First 30 Days: The Most Critical Time to Influence Employee Success
A detailed look at improving the employer/employee relationship leading to better retention of employees and overall success

Accommodating Employment Testing To The Needs of Individuals With Disabilities
A guide for testing and the ADA.

Validity Generalization
Use Transportability and meta-analysis to document validity

Validity-Use All Your Resources
How do various selection methods contribute to accurate employee selection?

Validity-What is it?

How Assessment Can Impact Your Bottom Line






Find out more...

CM Consults receives certified small business status with the State of California

Cheryl Mahaffey named to Diversity Employment Source Business Think Tank

Cheryl Mahaffey presents "The People Behind the Technology" at the Credit Union Executive Society Conference Las Vegas,

CM Consults named to County of Los Angeles Local Small Business Enterprise Preference Program

CM Consults is Certified as SBE with The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

CM Consults and Staples present "Hiring Smart: Learn simple techniques for finding and hiring the best talent"

Staples Symposium and Networking Event

Cheryl Mahaffey joins National Human Resources Society Board of Directors

Staples Symposium and Networking Event

CM Consults Founded: August, 2002
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